Saturday 28 July 2018

Preserving Herbs in Oil

In the alternate reality, I would be picking fresh herbs from my garden all year round and use them immediately to whip up delicious food. Ah... the smell of fresh herbs lingering in the kitchen must be a wonderful thing to experience.

Unfortunately, that shall remain a dream as we live in a high-rise apartment with little to no direct farming space and sunlight. Indoor farming under grow lights seems to be the next best alternative, and that's a project we hope to kick-start soon.

Meanwhile, I have been relying on supermarkets for my herbs. But they're not cheap - 10g of thyme in my local supermarket costs $2.85! And they last at most 2 weeks in the fridge, so most of it usually goes to waste as I use only a small portion for cooking.

Tired of all the food waste, I decided to try and preserve them for the first time today by freezing them in oil. I used olive oil but I suppose you could use butter or any kinds of oil.

First up was to give them a quick rinse and pat them dry.

I then removed the leaves and placed them in ice cube trays up to the halfway mark. Fill the remaining with olive oil, before covering loosely with cling wrap and freezing overnight. 

Satisfied with the end product ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The best thing about this is that it also cuts down on preparation time for your next meal. I can imagine stuffing one or two of them under the chicken skin the next time I roast a chicken. Or use them in stir-frys or stews. The possibilities are endless. 

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Sunday 22 July 2018

Another weekend come and gone

When the weekend flew by and you realise it's Monday already.

Pretty much stayed at home over the weekend. Cooking dinner on Saturdays seem to be a norm these days. Tried making lava egg again for the second time in years. Pleased with the consistency of the yolk, but still not happy with the flavour.

Lava egg
Sunday was spent at home doing the never-ending household chores.

After a hard day's work, it's time to reward ourselves. This is sparkling grape juice. Dumped some grapes in cos they needed to be finished as well.

And just like that, Sunday came to an end. ๐Ÿ˜ข

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Thursday 19 July 2018

ไธ€ไธชไบบ็š„ๅŒ—ไบฌ。Beijing, alone.

Beijing through the lens of my iPhone 7 Plus.

ๅŒ—ไบฌ็‚ธ้…ฑ้ข and some side dishes, which I didn't really fancy.
The cheaper option compared to ๅคง่‘ฃ. We heard it is popular among the locals too.
Peking duck was good! About 45 SGD per duck.
ๅฎซไฟ้ธกไธ was surprisingly well-executed.
Outside ๅ‰้—จ

Skewers (mostly lamb and beef), another commonly seen street food.

่Ÿน้ป„ๆฑคๅŒ… (crab roe dumplings), which I thought was mediocre. Very juicy but couldn't detect the taste of crab roe.

The maze at ๅ—้”ฃ้ผ“ๅทท。
Full of people.

Touring Forbidden City in the crazy weather.
This gives you a clue of where I was headed next.
That's right, ่ท่Šฑๅธ‚ๅœบ!
Breathtaking sight. Could have been better if not for the pollution.
On the whole, I didn't enjoy the city as much as I thought I would. Doubt I'll be back anytime soon.

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Sunday 1 July 2018

Sunday: Lazy Breakfast + Unwrapping Parcels

It was a Sunday and I was feeling, well, lazy. Hence I decided to put together a simple breakfast that required little to no effort on my part. Just lay down the ham, crack an egg, and sprinkle some black pepper, mixed herbs and garlic powder. 15 minutes in the oven at 160 degrees and it was ready.

Easy. I wouldn't say it tastes fantastic but it's definitely edible.

Time to unwrap my two new pots that got delivered yesterday!

Totally in love with the colours and can't wait to use them!

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Monday 14 May 2018

White Pepper Live Alaskan King Crab @ Long Beach Seafood Restaurant

Prior to dinner at Long Beach last week, my impression of the restaurant was mediocre at best. A household name that's been in existence since I was a kid, yes; but somehow we were never enticed to dine there.

A meal there last week turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Every dish was very much to our liking.

The star of the show was the Classic White Pepper Live Alaskan King Crab. 

It came with a hefty price tag but it was worth every penny. The crab was incredibly fresh. In fact, we were told that the crab arrived in Singapore only a few hours before our meal. Sauce was perfect and all flavours were in perfect harmony. There was just enough white pepper, which did not overpower the sweetness of the crab.

A must try!

Now, time to attempt to replicate the sauce at home. ๐Ÿ˜œ

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Sunday 22 April 2018

Greenery at Home

Headed over to Sinflora over the weekend and bought some plants for the home.

Snake plant aka mother-in-law's tongue
Nerve plant aka Fittonia
 Please don't die on us! ๐Ÿคฃ

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Sunday 15 April 2018

Review | KiKi Young Vinegar Noodles ๅฐ้†‹้ข

If you haven't heard by now, KiKi is the latest brand of instant noodles to sell out in Asian cities like Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. When it first launched in Singapore, the entire batch of 2,000 packets was sold out within 6 days despite costing twice or even thrice the price of Korean instant noodles. 

Lately I had the opportunity to try the Young Vinegar flavour, thanks to a friend who kindly shared her stash of noodles with us.

Verdict: I liked it, in particular the texture of the noodles. It was soft and springy - similar to la mian - and was markedly different from your usual Maggis. It definitely looked and tasted more expensive than the regular ramen noodles. The portion - nett weight of 90g according to the packaging - was decent for a small eater like me. The vinegar wasn't overpowering and flavour was light on the whole, which was the way I liked it. I imagine that it'll pair very well with some minced meat or roast pork!

4 out of 5 stars from me!

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Guo Da Li ceremony: 12 ็‰ˆๅธ–

His aunt bought the item below for our Guo Da Li ceremony and it immediately caught our attention, mainly due to its size.

Both of us have never heard of this before and we had to google to find out its use. Turns out that it's called theๅไบŒ็‰ˆๅธ– (there are 12 sections, hence the name). In the olden days, the groom would present it to the bride's parents to invite them to attend the wedding banquet. It comes with certain standard phrases and all one has to do is to fill in details such as the names of the groom's and bride's parents, banquet venue and date and so on. An invitation like this besides the regular invites given out to friends is needed as the usual invites already contain the parents' names - the logic is that parents therefore can't 'invite themselves' to the wedding based on those.

I believe this custom of handing out the ๅไบŒ็‰ˆๅธ– is becoming uncommon these days as couples choose to simplify their wedding and traditions get lost with the passage of time. We, however, are glad that we've had the opportunity to be exposed to such an interesting tradition.

I followed this link to fill in the details - I hope I did it correctly! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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Thursday 5 April 2018

Upcycling | DIY Plastic Bag Holder

Lately I've been trying to cut down waste in my life. I'm normally not into crafts but I thought this is an opportune time for me to do some simple DIY stuff since I'm moving into our home these few months and there are plenty of stuff that we need to buy.

Plastic bags. 

We bring recyclable bags to the stores as much as we can but sometimes we forget. And the amount of plastic bags in the house can sometimes go out of control. *Hangs head in shame.* 

My mum has been using the IKEA Variera plastic bag dispenser for years and it's been doing its job. Now that I'm shifting, I could of course take the easy way out and get another one, but I decided to recycle materials that are lurking in my parents' place instead. Saves me some pennies and the earth.

I started with this can of Lay's chips.

Cleaned the inside of the can and decorated it. Now you can use wrapping paper but I decided to make it cuter, and used some scrap paper lying around that would otherwise never have seen the light of day.

Finally, I used an exacto knife to cut an opening where the mouth is.

How cute is this?!! Major love. ๐Ÿ˜

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